Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Welcome to Student Affairs

Dear Hoya Parents,

Welcome to the Georgetown family! I know this is the start of a 
busy summer as you prepare to launch your student into 
college life in just a few short months. All of us at 
Georgetown are preparing as well – making plans for 
New Student Orientation, for a new year of academic life 
and student involvement, and for assuring that our 
newest students make a positive transition into our 

I am privileged to serve as Vice President for 
Student Affairs here, and that means I am connected
with students in many ways. My colleagues and I 
work with students from orientation all the way through
to their career search, and provide a wide range 
of services, programs, and opportunities in between.

Georgetown is a truly special place, and your student’s
experience is centered in academic pursuits, 
and enriched by learning experiences beyond 
the classroom. Our Jesuit and Catholic mission calls
us to focus on the development of the whole person,
and we strive to build a community that values learning,
engages students fully, and promotes respect
and responsibility.

Our residence halls provide a supportive home
for students, and a place where friendships
and connections often blossom. In addition to
the Resident Assistants who live on each floor
and the professional Hall Directors who back them up,
more than twenty chaplains representing a variety
of faiths live in our residence halls, as do five faculty
members. Residence hall living offers many activities,
informal conversations with peers from around
the country and around the world, and the chance
to be part of a vibrant community.

The well-being and safety of our students are
vital to us, and we have developed a number of 
programs to help students stay healthy, develop 
their talents fully, and be safe on campus and in 
our neighborhood. We engage students on these 
topics during orientations and at many points during
their first year on the Hilltop.

Georgetown is a vibrant community that encourages
students to engage in the life of the campus 
and in Washington, DC, and to take ownership of
their college experience. Avenues for involvement in
campus life are wide open, ranging from student 
government (GUSA) to club and intramural sports,
from outdoor education to dance and a cappella groups,
and from cultural groups to campus ministry.
The Student Activities Fair, held at the beginning of
the Fall Semester, showcases student organizations
and invites new students to get involved.

In the weeks ahead, you’ll hear more about all of
this, as we move toward the start of the academic
year. Please know that our student coordinators and
professional staff who plan New Student Orientation
are working actively to assure that your student
(and you!) are ready for the exciting transitions ahead.
You’ll be hearing from us in a variety of ways, and I
just wanted to start off the summer with a warm welcome.
I look forward to greeting you in person, and
welcoming your student to campus, at the end of
August. Hoya Saxa!

Todd A. Olson, Ph.D.
Vice President for Student Affairs