Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Welcome to DC

Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching, and Service

The Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching and Service (CSJ) is one of the many ways that Georgetown students can be engaged in our local and global communities. We hope that service and social justice become a way of life for our students in the Jesuit tradition of becoming men and women for others.

To learn more about CSJ and the scope of learning and engagement in social justice issues in WashingtonDC and beyond, go to http://socialjustice.georgetown.edu/.

CSJ provides opportunities for students to get involved in service and social action programs in a variety of ways, including outreach programs, student-run organizaitons, academic coursework and research, alternative spring break trips and summer global immersion trips.
Below is a short reflection from one of our student leaders engaged in the WashingtonDC community, Stephanie Frenel (SFS ’12):

When I first became involved in the Center for Social Justice, I had no idea I would find my second home. As a leader of many programs within the CSJ, being an advocate for social justice issues forced me to expand my horizons and to develop my own beliefs and understanding of the world. The amount of growth I experienced working through the Center for Social Justice cannot be compared to anything else I have endured at Georgetown. I was appalled by the plethora of issues festering in the DC community. Nevertheless I felt comforted by the many like-minded students and staff who were willing to stand by my side and work towards solving the same problems. Being an active member of the Center for Social Justice not only enlightened me, but it also empowered me to become a strong voice within the Georgetown community, taking my Georgetown experience far beyond what I could have ever expected.